Xenodiversity in a hot-spot of herpetological endemism: first records of Trachemys scripta, Ameiurus melas and Carassius auratus in a circum-Sardinian island


  • Corrado Battisti Torre Flavia LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) Station, Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Servizio Aree protette, via Tiburtina, 601, 00159 Rome




pet introduction, Discoglossus sardus, Hyla sarda, Sardinia


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How to Cite

Battisti, C. (2017). Xenodiversity in a hot-spot of herpetological endemism: first records of Trachemys scripta, Ameiurus melas and Carassius auratus in a circum-Sardinian island. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 147(1). https://doi.org/10.26496/bjz.2017.4


