Habitat use by the endangered Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in Central Romania


  • Cosmin Ioan Moga Mihai Eminescu Trust, Cojocarilor 10, 545400 Sighisoara, Romania
  • Tibor Hartel Mihai Eminescu Trust, Cojocarilor 10, 545400 Sighisoara, Romania
  • Kinga Öllerer Institute of Biology – Romanian Academy, Spl. Independentei 296, 060031 Bucharest, Romania
  • Árpád Szapanyos Mihai Eminescu Trust, Cojocarilor 10, 545400 Sighisoara, Romania




Lanius minor, nest site selection, habitat preference, Romania


In this paper we present data relating to nest density and habitat use by the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in the Târnava Mare Valley, Romania, using both nesting tree parameters (microhabitat), and habitat parameters measured in a 100m radius around each nest. The density of nests was 0.96 per km². Average distance between nests was 768.4m. Most of the nests (94.1%) were found in poplars, in the region of the middle third of their trunk, especially at the terminal parts of the branches. The birds preferred open habitats, with extended arable field cover. Moreover, the tree and shrub cover were small in areas used for nesting. As poplars are the preferred nesting habitats of this bird, and are scarcely represented in this area, the protection of these trees is critical for conservation of the Lesser Grey Shrike.


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How to Cite

Moga, C. I., Hartel, T., Öllerer, K., & Szapanyos, Árpád. (2024). Habitat use by the endangered Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in Central Romania. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 140(2), 225–228. https://doi.org/10.26496/bjz.2010.172


