Rediscovery of Branchipus schaefferi (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) in Belgium - notes on habitat requirements and conservation management


  • Bram Vanschoenwinkel Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, KU Leuven, Charles Deberiotstraat 32, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
  • Luc Brendonck Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, KU Leuven, Charles Deberiotstraat 32, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
  • Tom Pinceel Laboratory of Aquatic Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, KU Leuven, Charles Deberiotstraat 32, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
  • Pascal Dupriez Natagora Centre-Ouest Hainaut, Rue Marécaux 5, 7333 Tertre, Belgium
  • Aline Waterkeyn BINCO (Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation), Rijmenamsesteenweg 189, 3150 Haacht, Belgium



fairy shrimp, temporal pools, wheel tracks, conservation management


Fairy shrimps (Crustacea, Anostraca) are specialized inhabitants of inland water bodies that periodically dry or freeze over. Here we report the first observation since 1997 of a member of this basal crustacean order in Belgium and the first sighting of the species Branchipus schaefferi Fischer, 1834 since 1930. Nineteen populations were found in a restricted area located 55 km SE of Brussels in the Province of Hainaut. Based on a field survey, we discuss the habitat characteristics of these populations. We discuss also the distribution and habitat requirements of the species based on literature and formulate a number of guidelines for the conservation of this species as well as other large branchiopods in densely settled areas with intensive agriculture such as Belgium. Finally, we formulate a number of likely explanations for the lack of recent observations of these organisms in Western Europe and in Belgium.


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How to Cite

Vanschoenwinkel, B., Brendonck, L., Pinceel, T., Dupriez, P., & Waterkeyn, A. (2024). Rediscovery of Branchipus schaefferi (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) in Belgium - notes on habitat requirements and conservation management. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 143(1), 3–14.


